I guess it was pretty silly thinking I should run a 5k. My hip/leg still isn't right. I am just so darn competitive when it comes to running. Racing should be the last thing I am thinking about.
I have been lax on my yoga and strengthening exercises. It always happens... I get really involved in some project, in this case it was the baby shower for my daughter, and stop the exercise routine (except for running, of course). Then I have a hard time getting back into it. The baby shower was no ordinary baby shower. We had 50 of our family and friends--girls, guys and kids--at our condo, in celebration of anticipating our new baby boy's arrival, the happy parents-to-be and other various children of ours flying in from all over. It was great fun!
So... my goal is to make sure I do my yoga and hip/leg exercises three times a week. That's it. Long range goal is to be healed by the end of the year.
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