Did I say I was going to slow down, cut my miles, and work on my strength? Well, I am getting the opportunity to do just that. And along the way, I am getting to practice some life lessons; you know... the ones about living in the present, letting go of the past, and not worrying about the future?
I took my baby grandson out for his first run in the babyjogger on Saturday morning. What joy! The park is almost completely shaded, and the babyjogger rides easily over the mulched trails, but it is still quite a workout pushing that thing over the trails. We just did 20 minutes for our first time out, and it was slow!
In the park...
Then on Sunday, I ran with Jane. Her training schedule called for one hour and five minutes of easy running, and that's what we did. She has had a couple of hard weeks of training for her Ironman and this run was a recovery run, so it was nice and slow. But it was just great being out there and seeing everyone again, jabbering with Jane all the way down the road and back... staying in the 'now' and havin' fun!
Babysat again Monday and Tuesday, and 15 minutes in the babyjogger in the park. Over to the playground to swing--he loves that! Then another 10 minutes home. Not very much running, but, I tell you, there's nothing like a baby to keep you in the present!
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