Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall in Wisconsin

I was in southern California last weekend, L.A. It was unseasonably hot--low 90's! Those people were not happy! The older homes do not have air conditioning, so it gets very hot in the house when it's so hot outside. I only ran once while I was there... decided to enjoy the kids (my daughter and her husband) and give it a break.

I didn't even run when I got back to Wisconsin--it was cold and rainy for two days. We got a little respite on Wednesday, so I went out and ran a nice, easy 10 miles. 60 degrees, sun peeking out from behind the clouds now and then, and no wind (that's the most important part). It is definitely fall here in Wisconsin. The leaves on the trees are gold and orange, red and yellow, and falling.

My running path in Wisconsin in October...

But it lasted only one day. Back to cold rain, wind... and the elliptical.

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